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  Sustainability Initiative from Minsk, Belarus         russian

Goals and Objectives
Skills & Experience
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Sustainability Web Ring control panel



Following directions of Ecoproject's work form basis for her activities:

  • Development and implementation of the joint local and international projects and programs aimed at improvement of the state of the environment, health of the population and quality of life in general. Exchange of experiences when working with the experienced local and foreign project partners brings higher success and applicability to our projects; 

  • Work towards the increase of the population awareness level on various aspects of the environmental protection by means of awareness campaigns and information actions in mass media and in regular publications. Competitions and exhibitions to motivate public involvement are foreseen; 

  • Support of the rational use and preservation of the nature resources with help from modern knowledge and developed technologies. This entails holding specialized seminars, training sessions and providing targeted consultancy;

  • Discovering the most critical environmental problems of the society and information about the best solutions available on those topics in Belarus and abroad. Accumulation and spreading of the environmental-related knowledge and sustainable development ideas in Belarus;

  • Assistance to the improvement of the environmental legislation and citizens rights with particular emphasis on the decisions of Aarhus'98 and implementation of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters;

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Ecoproject, P.O.Box 114, Minsk, 220007,  BELARUS 
Fax +375 17 2635417
E-mail: ecoproject at  

© 2000-2010  Ecoproject Belarus