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  Saturday, 04 December 2010 
  Sustainability Initiative from Minsk, Belarus         russian

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Greetings from Nottingham Michael Edwards12/08/2002

FORUM - Message

Name Michael Edwards
Organisation Nottingham City Councillor
Subject Greetings from Nottingham
Message Dear colleagues,

Congratulations on your new site.

The Second Earth Summit made national news this weekend. At one stage, it looked like the British Minister for the Environment might not be allowed to go to the Earth Summit. There was some complaints, and now that he is going, he's suggested that the British Government needs to do more for the environment.

Of particular concern is the plan to expand air travel and the number of airports in Britain.

The Government has some fears that if we don't expand, we'll lose jobs to other Western European countries who will; and the general perception is that the public will support promises of greater development, especially transport, but providing the development is not in their neighbourhood.

The Governemnt is also trying to work with business. Unfortunately, there is no effective way for business to perceive the environmental costs of demanding supplies from further away and of demanding that staff commute further distances to work.

In Nottingham, we are succeeding in reducing the traffic flows into the city centre by 0.1% (it is increasing in most British cities. The main reason is that we have encouraged business and shops to develop in the city centre where the public transport provision is strongest.

Bus journeys in Nottingham are up 1.5% on last year. We are planning to increase the number of local railway stations and train services. And our new tram starts in November 2003.

However, residents are objecting to proposals to provide new tram lines elsewhere.

In Nottingham, we are seeking to encourage business to plan for their staff's travel needs more effectively, and in 2004 we intend to tax car parking spaces. This tax will provide more money for public transport services and encourage businesses to reduce staff reliance on the car.

Our full transport strategy is currently being promoted by a campaign called "The Big Wheel" (

Best wishes,

Michael Edwards,
Councillor, Mapperley ward,
Nottingham City Council.

, so as to encourgae companies to provide better faciliteis for wl

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