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Election 2003 Michael Edwards24/05/2003

ФОРУМ - Сообщение

Имя Michael Edwards
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Тема Election 2003
Сообщение Dear colleagues, Nottingham City Council has just been re-elected. The Labour Party retains control with 36 seats out of 55 (a loss of 4). Our manifesto includes a commitment to a greener city. You can read it at The future plans on the green section are added below. Best wishes, Michael Edwards, Councillor (Labour, Mapperley ward), Deputy Leader, Nottingham City Council. - - - Labour believes in developing the city whilst maintaining people's quality of life, believing a green environment is important to all of us. Nottingham will continue to be a Green City - a Labour City. Future Plans Expand kerbside recycling city-wide, making recycling easier and more efficient Continue to insulate council houses across the city - delivering modern insulation for the people of Nottingham. Support modern transport choices - Through future lines of the tram - By continuing to increase quality of bus services - By supplying 'Real Time' timetable information Develop Transport interchanges making it easier to transfer between buses, trains, trams and bikes. Deliver improvements in transport across the city, through funding generated by the Workplace Parking Levy Introduce a high quality Ring Road Bus service linking the city’s two hospitals, as well as a number of major employers Increase the number of parks with Green Flag status

Упрощенный автоматический перевод сообщений участников Форума с английского (немецкого) языка на русский лишь для чтения возможен ниже. Примечание: мы не гарантируем бесперебойную работу этого стороннего электронного переводчика.

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